Sunday, January 20, 2019

Prioritising, Duping and Self Centeredness – the Facts and Paradox

It is but very awkward when we face words or situations depicting deeds, where in we find as like gods, we homo sapiens are deft in prioritising, duping and are deeply self-centred … tat tvam asi ... No, it is not confined to the negative connotations alone as we often ascribe to such deeds or words, but these qualities, for the situation, are the deeds of the moments, for a bargain to tranquility… Actions of humans and gods are always on the periphery of self gratification- inward or outward…it is never for the other… if ever so, still on a bargain of getting a percolated self benefit… The priorities often are relevant to the circumstances prevailing at that point of time… Our gods like us have always played upon circumstances and all entity being the Brahmn we are in a singularity (all made of the same star stuff) are but in a suspended animated condition to address our near future unknown needs..   

The inward search of consciousness often leads to revelations that can only be absorbed by the self.. it has no means of transferring or transmitting .. the solace of being contended is purely only by individual self and attainable only when in harmony with the self .. to attain this , ironically one need to prioritize, dupe and be self centered .. the paradox of enlightenment…

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