Sunday, November 22, 2015

Rationality, Nationality, God and Earthians

The thought of Rationality, Nationality, God and Earthian have vast horizon to decipher. I am bounding my region of the connotations with specific boundary as : Rationality - The quality or state of being agreeable to a reason, Nationality - A statutory bind of a person (including ethnic group) with a state, giving jurisdiction and protection with specific rights and duties, God - A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe endowed with quality to supersede everything else, Earthian - Species of or from planet earth.
That what is observed is a need of a rationality of ideas and dogmas by the earthians for the existence of god, not bounded by nationality. What is seen is, that there is often very contradiction of the beliefs this rational process which signifies existence. Reason and reasoning often are at loggerheads to one another and the earthians commit and suffer the bulldoze of narrow belief. The concept of faith in certain belief contradicts the consensus on the logical derivatives of co-existence. Existence with dignity is what the human species endeavour. The fact of the foggy delineated de-juro and de-facto views of the way of life, the boundaries segregating nations and of religion and gods, often challenge the very existence of the human beings. The realm of pragmatic view often finding itself groping for the speck of illumination in the dark alley of fanaticism of skewed views of the few. The one is whole and whole is one (quite scientifically demonstrated) often finds in the quagmire of irrationality. Everyone have a right of survival with their own belief and habits simultaneously upholding others opinion and way of life.  God & Nationality was needed to be brought in as a tool, perhaps for morality and social general governance. The rationality of the earthians lies in the ability to integrate god and nationality in a holistic way for a quality sustenance of earthians. The blinds needs to remove with their blindfold with the rationality, for the illumination to come into the minds, to see the pristine beauty of human co-existence with consensus, upholding the values.        

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