Sunday, November 22, 2015

Rationality, Nationality, God and Earthians

The thought of Rationality, Nationality, God and Earthian have vast horizon to decipher. I am bounding my region of the connotations with specific boundary as : Rationality - The quality or state of being agreeable to a reason, Nationality - A statutory bind of a person (including ethnic group) with a state, giving jurisdiction and protection with specific rights and duties, God - A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe endowed with quality to supersede everything else, Earthian - Species of or from planet earth.
That what is observed is a need of a rationality of ideas and dogmas by the earthians for the existence of god, not bounded by nationality. What is seen is, that there is often very contradiction of the beliefs this rational process which signifies existence. Reason and reasoning often are at loggerheads to one another and the earthians commit and suffer the bulldoze of narrow belief. The concept of faith in certain belief contradicts the consensus on the logical derivatives of co-existence. Existence with dignity is what the human species endeavour. The fact of the foggy delineated de-juro and de-facto views of the way of life, the boundaries segregating nations and of religion and gods, often challenge the very existence of the human beings. The realm of pragmatic view often finding itself groping for the speck of illumination in the dark alley of fanaticism of skewed views of the few. The one is whole and whole is one (quite scientifically demonstrated) often finds in the quagmire of irrationality. Everyone have a right of survival with their own belief and habits simultaneously upholding others opinion and way of life.  God & Nationality was needed to be brought in as a tool, perhaps for morality and social general governance. The rationality of the earthians lies in the ability to integrate god and nationality in a holistic way for a quality sustenance of earthians. The blinds needs to remove with their blindfold with the rationality, for the illumination to come into the minds, to see the pristine beauty of human co-existence with consensus, upholding the values.        

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Quantam shift of portrayal, Gaint stride in Thought

During the recent Durga Puja/Nav Ratri festivals, I had the opportunity to follow/see the idols of Durga Devi/Shakti/Ambe Mata and the plethora of relevant names of the depicted Female form of Strength and Courage celebrated pan-India, where the Devi vanquish the Asura. It was a feast for sight to see horde of people thronging to various makeshift Pandals (temporary place of placing the idol for worship) or Temples (permanent shrines), where the occasion of Puja was going on. The gaiety was contagious, where the deity armed with her weaponry was annihilating the Evil Asura (Mahis-asura), mostly with her trident (the trinity supreme power of Bhrama, Vishnu and Shiva). Perhaps the translation of the image can be simplified into plain everyday thinking, where in Hindu world, Woman is equal to Nature and Man to Culture. A message where it states that Nature need to regulate Culture. The idea for portraying the idol in a stance waging a fight, is perhaps to depict the Womanhood as equally, or more powerful, in the cycle of life, a ramification planned for posterity. Among all these stereo typical portrayal of the Idol bedecked with weapons and dressings, with the same stance of waging war and the Asura mortally wounded, I noticed an idol at a place called Ruabandha in Bhilai at Chattisgarh (India) where the idol was not at war ! Yes, not at war. The Asura was not lacerated, but the Asura was handing over the weapon with a kneel submission and the Idol of Shakti was Blessing. What a change in the thought ! Is it the quantum leap of thinking that we all are pursuing for humanness... The Purusha (Male) and Prakrti (Female) as an entity being one without the war...This thought of co-existence of surrendering, blessings and understanding with dignity to all is the essence of Life. This, me thinks, is what our society must emulate in vision, action and spirit. Let there be such prudent change spew into the fabric of our thinking for rejoicing the beauty of being human species.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Of ... Let Go to Let's Go and For Getting to Forgetting....

Forgetting and Let Go are the nuances and incidents, which is a common tendency of Human Beings and all other thing the Universe is made of; {as we are all made of the same 'star stuff' with the basic composition of the 'huge' (sic) structures called atoms} and they 'change'.
Not that it it is bad, indeed seemingly/perhaps it is good, as it provides opportunity to open vistas for the fresh to enter into the new domain, leaving the decaying. The beauty of being two as one or together, often at times constricts the wider horizon of one or more in the journey of togetherness. The bonding and breaking is a process, but the basics of the initial bond is sustained and ingrained in the individual entities (like Gods making Humans as mirror images, hence all Humans are Gods and Stars too!). It is apt to deduce, that, existing life forms of earth, or for that matter, the Universe, where the law is perhaps one, is, 'let go' of the one decaying for a 'let's go' with the new. The often sure derivative is to get the basic from the former entity and then later mingling with the new entity, to forget the past for better prospect of sustenance. 'Forgetting' thus previous entity 'For getting' with the new entity. 
If you peep into this phenomenon, we find seemingly even our own so dear Moon (for Love, Poetry and our very survival because of moon earth tidal lock, earth not wobbling, gyrating or moving in weird motion), which seemingly owe its existence to Earth (because of Theia - a Mars sized object), is still moving away from earth with a speed of 3.78 cm (1.5inches).
Now all this but strongly suggest the 'Let Go' and 'Forgetting' are perhaps always to occur and leaving the previous entity for new entity with 'Let's Go' 'For getting' is a skewed but natural outcome.
But then, like the Big Bang explosion of the theoretical physicists, there will be perhaps an option of the big Crunch implosion, then the fibre of Time Space may warp and the separated may be again bonded (may be the travel will theoretically be faster and reach faster than light traveling).

And this is also the Paradox of life -    Let Go to Let's Go .. For Getting to Forgetting...

Just an after thought :
After an eon, will we be called 'god' (like we do) for the people in those new habitats on other worlds/planets where positively there will be adaptive changes in the humans with the passage of time?

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Warlocks, Witches and God...

Of late i was wondering what a stigma/title it is, to be branded a warlock, witch or god (yes, god in small and not capital - for the persona who claim, are claimed or attributed with some typical qualities for each). That while propounding my view on the entity of God as a noun or verb on certain phenomenon and characteristics of certain tendencies, origins and activities, along with it is often entwined, the offshoots of warlocks and witches amongst we the humans. Is it possible that the more strong on certain pervasive skills have percolated to a few who really posses powers of alteration? In the maze of space time fabric where things change faster than the speed of light (yes, listening it correctly, perhaps the neutrinos travel faster than light if the present experiments stand the test of time and not debunked) certain para psychological phenomenon may occur in rarest of rare cases of allegorical mutation. But can they beget a change in the process of happenings to external of their 'self', quite seemingly a grotesque kafkaesque.Me think, the bigotry of such polarized view of abandoning/cursing fellow humans in the name of warlock and witches stands absurd. Humans, being mirror of God, needs a real analysis of God. The strange cycle of redeeming and condemning is but are selfish gateways created by a few to regulate the herd...there is a need to soar above the din for a near true perspective..   

Sunday, June 28, 2015

We the God in Alien Earth

Friends... often do i ruminate that we the human species, true mirror image of God having the same atom's structure as foundation as of stars, gods, animals, space (may be the antimatter having some specific structure which we may bump upon too soon with the pace of our re/search) do not rightly fit into the jigsaw of Earth as our home planet. I say so because when you see in  a common day, any number of person you will find, always do struggle for living through the day: no i do not mean the earning for sustenance, but being a part of nature, yearning for survival. We are in constant fight with the pattern of weather of earth - this includes our ancestors - to live our life, that constant tweaking with the available and changing/converting other factors to advantage for survival as if we are aliens to this planet and we are wired differently for some other planet. Yes, we had to discover the fire, the need for foraging with dependency on grain as hunted flesh was not so easily achievable, the difficulty to eat anything raw, discomfort of being exposed to the sunlight for long duration or without, the list can go on....which subtly indicates that we are outsider to this planet, and the whole story of god as supreme for the lesser mortals of this Earth goes kaput... can it be so that the earthlings are the in-disciplined bunch of the aliens who had come to earth - yes the carbon di  oxide inhale and exhale species -  were left behind with skewing their life pattern to the  natural resources available here on earth, may be some 75k to 100k years ago. The species probably had mated with the homo-erectus and the homo-sapiens were the outcome and the gradual adaption of the prevailing nature. To quote a legend 'we are all star stuff ', perhaps rightly demystifies the concoction of the God and the Human, or to be blatant, God per se must be alien species who had been to earth with the characteristics discussed earlier, and then left for further settlement/exploration to other places of abode. Why do we have to have our dependency on providence when as species we had evolved with the nature to grow along with by trail and error.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

ATOM - GOD -- the noun

The Five Elements and GOD
I have been saying that CO2 is GOD, GOD were Grey Aliens and now would propound that ATOM is GOD because it is the building block. That what I am trying to say now is, GOD is a 'Noun' and so the name ATOM. We find it undisputed, that, broadly there are five Elements of existence : Air, Water, Earth, Fire and Aether. I believe the essence of all the Five elements is also present in every ATOM, like Air - the open gaps amongst components in the atom, Water - the liquidity aspect of atom, Earth would define that every component like electron, proton, muons, bosons have a mass/solidity, Fire is the Plasma of the atom and Aether is the domain of individual space of atom with its own gravitational tug. Perhaps the wisdom of simplifying the complex to the five elements of common understanding was for easy grasping of the complex diversities of single component of singularity. Everything is made of ATOM as like God created in its own image ! Though every thing is created of ATOM like you, me, chair, table, wall, air, metal, water, moon, sun/stars, galaxies, yes everything, the difference lies is the space amongst the atoms which lets us pass with least resistance from air and we cannot pass through a wall. The beauty of diversity in unity is ION. Hence ATOM is what GOD is ! Rig Veda is considered to be oldest survived religious text still being used, we find that there were rituals of appeasement with no segregation of god, demon or human in particular. In fact in the Rig Veda we have reference as Asura (which then meant to be mighty) of Indira (Rain/Water) in 9 hymns, Agni (Plasma/Fire) in 12, Varuna (Air) in 10 hymns, Rudra (Earth) in 6 hymns and Mitra (Neighbour/Aether) in 8 hymns. It was in later Veda following religion that difference cropped up amongst gods, demons, humans, of characteristic that were incorporated with Upanishads. Hence the whole in one and one in whole. So the civilizations who were tromping 3500 years ago were knowing this and tried to pass on to posterity of the basics, but which concocted with time and narrow understandings.
Ponder dear, and you will find the vista.....