Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Gods, Grey Aliens and Cadbon di Oxide

After a long time feel to add... We humans have some very common tendency.. The phenomenon of misplaced understanding on a limited self induced perception leading to a tunnel vision, forgetting the recent past too soon. Yep i had been propagating about the good of Carbon di Oxide. Today we give all credit to oxygen for our survival but due to Carbon di Oxide we are what we are. Now a little tweaking of our religious Gods which often directs that most of our Powerful Gods are depicted in greyish-blue colour since eons. Seems familiar, isn't it.. Yes the mighty Shiva, Great Krishna, Kali Mata even Powerful Yama.. Were they the elusive Grey Aliens? Did all the super powerful feet that tread on earth inhaled Carbon di Oxide and were different? The Powerful ones with features like homo-sapiens.. Why Could they have not looked like something else...? It is easy to copy DNA when those brain could conjure the complexity of aligned Pyramids and Peru's Nazca lines.. Now one more thing that intrigues me is.. Did the Gods create Humans their mirror image (surprisingly all the religions say so.. astoundingly common concept, and it is our stream of art known as Science would justify) but with a little difference so that we never become them... Yes may be they breathed more of Carbon di Oxide and exhaled Oxygen and we the opposite, more of Oxygen (because our nose just do not filter and take the oxygen from atmosphere but all gasses and then only the oxygen is used and we exhale out the other gases and they might have used Carbon di Oxide likewise as it was much in abundance on earth previously - may be with the factors of a deliberate attempt to keep us different in a major aspect, survive on earth when the realization dawned on them of depletion of Carbon di Oxide from atmosphere, also sustain with the changing earth scenario and also that we are not what they are in the broader concept of Equality. Some genetic tampering with their DNA to facilitate this change in us, a different breed, but at the same time similarity in dissimilarity. The theory of evolution and survival of the fittest just don't add up of us being what we are and you will find bountiful of irregularities if you just look and ask the eternal question, WHY? The transition of Human civilization do not add up to the transformation..


  1. If I'm not mistaken the concept of so called God, which you've presented in the previous two blogs has changed here, previously you linked CO2 as GOD and now GOD sustained on CO2!!!

    1. CO2 is God...i would have explained in my next blog so..here I tried to say the linkage of grey aliens and what is God..chitta/prana..that what keeps us alive is God..and CO2 keeps us alive...it is a misplaced knowing feeding where upon we started beleiving the aliens as god..keep watch of my next blog..which I will post soon...you will get my thought...

  2. Yep, CO2 is God... The aliens who breathed CO2 and that breathe is Prana or Life/Chitta..I wanted to take my readers there in the next write up..gradually..manifested in body... a segment of the whole in one and one in whole... the weird deliberate way of perhaps misinformation being passed by presenting a representation by the custodians of information...then and now...
