Sunday, April 9, 2017

Gods United Religions Divided...

Religion is a great divider, as like race and clans.... we have spilled more blood in trying to prove the dominance of one religion over the other or proving superiority of a race/clan …. and ironically all for Peace, Judgment and God’s wish…. Where are those Aliens, those Gods? For whom are we doing this.…This makes me think, are these Gods fighters, were they a very aggressive fighting race traversing across the universe multiplying their area of dominance and spreading for survival…we are all gods as god made us as god is…. does it sound very known…our recent endeavour to colonise Mars and may be other habitable planets and satellites of the planets of our Solar System for now and with breaking other speed barriers , to other solar systems or galaxies….if only greed could be satisfied… their some DNA component still within us that crave for it…. Our present is refined social living with more help from laws enacted than the religious rules, norms and customs that governed social fabric and living than blind following of religious scriptures alone… was only wondering…. Why do we need to fight for edifice when we say that god is within and not with out… if god is so 'in' why is there a constant battle to establish big structures to put symbolics.... if someone says that an area or place is their, does it make our god a persona-non-grata for that cordinate on earth ? is sybolism more important than self realisation, or it is only at a certain place the symbolic representation of a god gets his power and a place in the name of god makes his place of stay, then how can omnipresence be explained.... ponder my friends, ponder....