Sunday, June 26, 2016

Humans are Gods and Aliens..

The Darwinian Theory always plagued me. The evolution from/of Monkey to Man (albeit in a loose terminology). How…? But then, hold your breath, we also needed a GOD to make us!  Just not clicking right. There is a major flaw in the whole thinking if we observe in the premise of present strides of Science and ‘discoveries’ (you only discover what already is - existed - before attributing a nomenclature) that the evolution happened with up-gradation of uni-cellular beings from so called soup-of-life. A single strand of DNA/RNA holds encyclopedia of information – including mutational deviations – an Euclidean geometrical shape (with other dimensions holding further prints ingrained yet not deciphered by us) in the space time dimension! As Light is a twin character of wave and mass-less particle, so is Time. The particle characteristic of Time needs to be mechanically proved by some maverick of present or future generation, though ancient Vedic scriptures defined the particle nature of Light (Bhagwatam 3.11.5-6 : The division of Time in particle is as – two elementary particle make one double particle and three double particles make a hexaparticle, time duration needed for integration of three hexaparticle is a truti and one hundred of it makes one vedha three of which makes one lava. A second is divided into 1687.5 truti – time needed for integration of 18 elementary particle). Now on a common platform of particle and wave we are who we are : Human or God, whatever you wish to call us. Species evolve from complex to simple and not vice-versa, like genes of complex species have ingrained in it all the needful genetic information of recreating gene of simple species – the particle segment, add to it the wave segment the consciousness, completing the evolutionary process. It is like when the universe is created, the matter is transformed into a manifest condition and when the universe annihilates the ‘matter’ transforms to ‘un-manifest’ state. And remember, all Matter is mostly ‘empty space’ as we know that they are made of atoms and atoms are mostly empty space! Matter (particle) left alone will always increase with certain disorder where Consciousness (wave) plays the role of regulator injected by the conscious being for harmony. The dynamics is to transform imperfect to the perfect manifestation.
The elementary question is : are we aliens to earth and who is GOD? We come to Earth! Yes…We come to Earth, by our choice. Now our senses creates god the vastness and consciousness is the atman=brahma, the minutest. The theory of divine, with the practical of self.
Seems then, Human are aliens to planet Earth, and Humans are God.