Sunday, August 23, 2015

Of ... Let Go to Let's Go and For Getting to Forgetting....

Forgetting and Let Go are the nuances and incidents, which is a common tendency of Human Beings and all other thing the Universe is made of; {as we are all made of the same 'star stuff' with the basic composition of the 'huge' (sic) structures called atoms} and they 'change'.
Not that it it is bad, indeed seemingly/perhaps it is good, as it provides opportunity to open vistas for the fresh to enter into the new domain, leaving the decaying. The beauty of being two as one or together, often at times constricts the wider horizon of one or more in the journey of togetherness. The bonding and breaking is a process, but the basics of the initial bond is sustained and ingrained in the individual entities (like Gods making Humans as mirror images, hence all Humans are Gods and Stars too!). It is apt to deduce, that, existing life forms of earth, or for that matter, the Universe, where the law is perhaps one, is, 'let go' of the one decaying for a 'let's go' with the new. The often sure derivative is to get the basic from the former entity and then later mingling with the new entity, to forget the past for better prospect of sustenance. 'Forgetting' thus previous entity 'For getting' with the new entity. 
If you peep into this phenomenon, we find seemingly even our own so dear Moon (for Love, Poetry and our very survival because of moon earth tidal lock, earth not wobbling, gyrating or moving in weird motion), which seemingly owe its existence to Earth (because of Theia - a Mars sized object), is still moving away from earth with a speed of 3.78 cm (1.5inches).
Now all this but strongly suggest the 'Let Go' and 'Forgetting' are perhaps always to occur and leaving the previous entity for new entity with 'Let's Go' 'For getting' is a skewed but natural outcome.
But then, like the Big Bang explosion of the theoretical physicists, there will be perhaps an option of the big Crunch implosion, then the fibre of Time Space may warp and the separated may be again bonded (may be the travel will theoretically be faster and reach faster than light traveling).

And this is also the Paradox of life -    Let Go to Let's Go .. For Getting to Forgetting...

Just an after thought :
After an eon, will we be called 'god' (like we do) for the people in those new habitats on other worlds/planets where positively there will be adaptive changes in the humans with the passage of time?

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Warlocks, Witches and God...

Of late i was wondering what a stigma/title it is, to be branded a warlock, witch or god (yes, god in small and not capital - for the persona who claim, are claimed or attributed with some typical qualities for each). That while propounding my view on the entity of God as a noun or verb on certain phenomenon and characteristics of certain tendencies, origins and activities, along with it is often entwined, the offshoots of warlocks and witches amongst we the humans. Is it possible that the more strong on certain pervasive skills have percolated to a few who really posses powers of alteration? In the maze of space time fabric where things change faster than the speed of light (yes, listening it correctly, perhaps the neutrinos travel faster than light if the present experiments stand the test of time and not debunked) certain para psychological phenomenon may occur in rarest of rare cases of allegorical mutation. But can they beget a change in the process of happenings to external of their 'self', quite seemingly a grotesque kafkaesque.Me think, the bigotry of such polarized view of abandoning/cursing fellow humans in the name of warlock and witches stands absurd. Humans, being mirror of God, needs a real analysis of God. The strange cycle of redeeming and condemning is but are selfish gateways created by a few to regulate the herd...there is a need to soar above the din for a near true perspective..