Sunday, June 28, 2015

We the God in Alien Earth

Friends... often do i ruminate that we the human species, true mirror image of God having the same atom's structure as foundation as of stars, gods, animals, space (may be the antimatter having some specific structure which we may bump upon too soon with the pace of our re/search) do not rightly fit into the jigsaw of Earth as our home planet. I say so because when you see in  a common day, any number of person you will find, always do struggle for living through the day: no i do not mean the earning for sustenance, but being a part of nature, yearning for survival. We are in constant fight with the pattern of weather of earth - this includes our ancestors - to live our life, that constant tweaking with the available and changing/converting other factors to advantage for survival as if we are aliens to this planet and we are wired differently for some other planet. Yes, we had to discover the fire, the need for foraging with dependency on grain as hunted flesh was not so easily achievable, the difficulty to eat anything raw, discomfort of being exposed to the sunlight for long duration or without, the list can go on....which subtly indicates that we are outsider to this planet, and the whole story of god as supreme for the lesser mortals of this Earth goes kaput... can it be so that the earthlings are the in-disciplined bunch of the aliens who had come to earth - yes the carbon di  oxide inhale and exhale species -  were left behind with skewing their life pattern to the  natural resources available here on earth, may be some 75k to 100k years ago. The species probably had mated with the homo-erectus and the homo-sapiens were the outcome and the gradual adaption of the prevailing nature. To quote a legend 'we are all star stuff ', perhaps rightly demystifies the concoction of the God and the Human, or to be blatant, God per se must be alien species who had been to earth with the characteristics discussed earlier, and then left for further settlement/exploration to other places of abode. Why do we have to have our dependency on providence when as species we had evolved with the nature to grow along with by trail and error.