Tuesday, March 10, 2015

ATOM - GOD -- the noun

The Five Elements and GOD
I have been saying that CO2 is GOD, GOD were Grey Aliens and now would propound that ATOM is GOD because it is the building block. That what I am trying to say now is, GOD is a 'Noun' and so the name ATOM. We find it undisputed, that, broadly there are five Elements of existence : Air, Water, Earth, Fire and Aether. I believe the essence of all the Five elements is also present in every ATOM, like Air - the open gaps amongst components in the atom, Water - the liquidity aspect of atom, Earth would define that every component like electron, proton, muons, bosons et.al have a mass/solidity, Fire is the Plasma of the atom and Aether is the domain of individual space of atom with its own gravitational tug. Perhaps the wisdom of simplifying the complex to the five elements of common understanding was for easy grasping of the complex diversities of single component of singularity. Everything is made of ATOM as like God created in its own image ! Though every thing is created of ATOM like you, me, chair, table, wall, air, metal, water, moon, sun/stars, galaxies, yes everything, the difference lies is the space amongst the atoms which lets us pass with least resistance from air and we cannot pass through a wall. The beauty of diversity in unity is ION. Hence ATOM is what GOD is ! Rig Veda is considered to be oldest survived religious text still being used, we find that there were rituals of appeasement with no segregation of god, demon or human in particular. In fact in the Rig Veda we have reference as Asura (which then meant to be mighty) of Indira (Rain/Water) in 9 hymns, Agni (Plasma/Fire) in 12, Varuna (Air) in 10 hymns, Rudra (Earth) in 6 hymns and Mitra (Neighbour/Aether) in 8 hymns. It was in later Veda following religion that difference cropped up amongst gods, demons, humans, of characteristic that were incorporated with Upanishads. Hence the whole in one and one in whole. So the civilizations who were tromping 3500 years ago were knowing this and tried to pass on to posterity of the basics, but which concocted with time and narrow understandings.
Ponder dear, and you will find the vista.....