Thursday, December 25, 2014

Gods were Aliens...for sure

If we try to know the scriptures depiction of God, invariably we notice that be it Christianity, Islam or Hinduism - in fact in all religions - god always comes from outside the Earth, or sends messenger to Earth, isn't it?
Anything that is not from the Earth but visits Earth we term them Aliens, then why can't we say that gods were Aliens..

Saturday, July 19, 2014

During further journey of search and trying to find a pattern, it seems that the idea of CO2  and Aliens is God is confusing for many. No not so, surely not an uncertainty principle. If breathing out (exhaling) is the essence of ‘Life’, then God considering being a Noun, is the life  medium, the ‘prana’ which is linked to what goes in or comes out as an ‘energy’ into the living (considering we the children or mirror images of god, albeit with a degree of mutation) through respiration. Perhaps it is evident in all religious scriptures, that there is One God at the most potent form and the rest are demi-gods (less important/significant like the common homo sapiens). Why is there only ONE and not many? In comes the view of CO2 being that God! Is it that which is the within or the without of the Aliens the demi-gods? There was this deliberate scientific strategy to make humans O2 based removing the C component, reasons which i expressed in previous notes. Was there an endeavour by the people of the past trying to tell us that god is subjective rather than objective? Again the proposition of ‘powerful greys’, and CO2 comes easily!  Is there then a missing link which we need to pursue, probe & relate? It is the same phenomenon now, we being children/mirror images of gods but with a change in the physical cone. Perhaps our knowhow of god is distorted with the narration and linking relevant actions to the flow of Time to a numerical reference of time. We relate gods to different shapes/forms ignorant that we are mutants compared to the CO2 inhaling aliens and  we came late in the relative point of flow of Time. Where are those Gods now then, an obvious question? Are they in our universe or in another one of the 20 and/or more existing universes {if we are even remotely correct with the present limited exposure of the grand unified theory (GUT), general theory of relativity et al.}. Perhaps the poetic licence with relevance to God needs to be seen from multi dimensions rather than limiting to two dimensions of faith and belief which often fail to project the totality. Lets explore...